


Cloud Journeys Move into the Fast Lane


Top 5 things to consider for digital transformations

Covid-19 created a seismic shift in the digital world. Internet traffic skyrocketed to keep governments, education, healthcare, essential services and other businesses connected and running. Demand continues to soar for video, IoT, AI and 5G, creating urgency for flexible, fast solutions. Before the pandemic, Cisco predicted that global internet traffic would reach 4.8 zetabytes per year by 2022 with at least 80% of traffic in video consumption. The crisis accelerated internet traffic and the need for connectivity to solutions during social distancing.

In response, many IT leaders accelerated digital transformations efforts with a focus on moving digital infrastructures to the edge. The goal is to have technology, products and services closer to end users.

While we don’t know what the post-pandemic world will look like, the shift to remote work and learning will likely continue in many industries. Many employees will continue to leverage cloud-based applications, collaboration tools, video conferencing, online training and other solutions to connect to data and online tools. And customers will expect low-latency experiences for work and play.

Consider these cloud strategy questions

To architect a hybrid cloud strategy and move workloads to the cloud, there are important things to consider for your modern IT infrastructure.

• Which workloads can move to the cloud?

• How & where should these workloads connect to the cloud?

• Where do remote employees need access to SaaS and data?

• How can you quickly reach and automatically add new capacity to support new or existing customers or users?

• How can you rethink your cloud strategies to support employees, customers and partners?

Top 5 things to consider for cloud migrations

1. Find the right data center with interconnection options to build your business. To compete in the “new normal,” interconnection, supported by telecommunications and data centers, will be critical for businesses for deliver low-latency network connectivity and resiliency. Interconnection enables digital businesses to access multiple cloud options in edge markets to reach customers, employees and partners.

2. Access to major public clouds via onramps. Customers want to get as close to the edge as possible for low-latency access to time-sensitive data, tools, video and more. For optimal performance and security, route traffic through colocation facilities with private access to the major cloud service providers (CSPs), versus relying on the public internet.

3. Consider virtualization service options to meet the needs of customers and users. Both enterprises and service providers are moving toward virtualization and cloud-based services. Many service providers have virtualized their offerings and networks across applications and workloads. The result are better customer experiences, added flexibility and a broader reach to more customers.

4. Manage virtualized networks and cloud-based services with automation. Automation helps enterprises and service providers deploy digital infrastructures. On-demand services require automation, at least as part of the equation. Scaling up and down to meet business needs today helps organizations to be in the right place, at the right time and seamlessly connect businesses.

For Service Providers: SD WAN (software-defined networking in a wide area network) simplifies the management and operation of a WAN by decoupling the networking hardware from its control mechanism through virtualization.

For interconnection at data centers: Software-defined interconnection (SDI) allows provisioning in minutes with better speeds, choice and control to improve customers’ experiences, bypassing the public internet with private, direct connectivity.

To eliminate the delays associated with dedicated physical connections, Cologix Access Marketplace offers on-demand, virtual cross connects for faster, easier, less expensive provisioning of services in minutes, rather than days for physical provisioning.

5. Identify a vibrant ecosystem to build and scale your business. In the digital world, building and scaling businesses requires connectivity. Look for interconnection companies to help connect to existing customers and also reach new customers quickly, easily and directly. Cologix’s new Marketplace hub allows carriers to create a custom profile, free of charge, to promote services and drive revenue. It’s simple.

What is Cologix Access Marketplace?

Cologix offers best-in-class software to automate how enterprises interconnect to hyperscalers directly, security and dynamically. Cologix Access Marketplace allows customers to provision end-to-end Layer-2 circuits to AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud and Oracle Cloud on demand through our customer portal. Customers can provision virtual circuits via one or more physical ports to their choice of the top CSPs.

Plus customers can select which service providers and enterprises they want to connect to through Cologix’s self-service portal.

Online portal: order & manage virtual connections with ease

Through Access Marketplace, customers can manage ports and connections through a single screen, providing better visibility and control over ports and extended virtual connections.

Digital transformations need dedicated private connectivity to public cloud providers in a rich ecosystem with virtualization and automation. Within minutes, access multiple hyperscalers, service providers and enterprises with private, virtual circuits for low latency, high speed connectivity.

To learn more about Cologix Access Marketplace, visit cologix.com, or reach out to one of our solution experts at sales@cologix.com.

Or, catch up with our other recent SDI post where we discussed how software and automation help telco companies and enterprises to manage their hybrid cloud strategies.

We’re here to help you connect and grow.

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