


The Value of Internet Exchanges


The need for high-performance, efficient data exchange at scale continues to accelerate.  As independent organizations, internet exchanges (IXs) often provide the best model to build and sustain robust data exchange between networks, internet service providers (ISPs), content and cloud providers, digital media companies and large enterprises.

Internet exchanges are physical locations where service providers, networks and other providers exchange traffic and data – and they can be powerful facilitators for growth and scalability.  IXs allow members to peer, or freely share data, connectivity and infrastructure without driving up their operational expenses.

This is why Cologix hosts seven IXs in our carrier- and cloud-neutral digital edge and hyperscale edge data centers across North America. They include:

Why Connect to IXs Through Cologix?

Connecting to internet exchanges through Cologix offers reliability, performance improvement, scalability and an extensive choice of networks, service providers and cloud onramps. With unparalleled access to these exchanges, our customers improve latency and bandwidth, enhance connectivity and reduce costs while exchanging internet traffic.

For example, Cologix Minneapolis data centers provide access to MICE, offering its members connectivity to 135 connected networks, allowing them to exchange data with a host of different organizations without having to purchase 135 different carrier networks or order more cross connects. This helps companies increase their reach and visibility while allowing them to better manage costs and save on network fees.

IXs also offer organizations of all sizes the opportunity to peer with partners across the globe. VANIX in Vancouver features more than 70 participants. It enables both major regional networks and smaller, rural ones to connect with global content providers, and serves Western Canada, with a population of more than 10 million

At DesMoinesIX, accessible via Cologix’s DSM1 data center, data and traffic flows are optimized for low latency connectivity in Des Moines and the surrounding areas. Peering points are also free of charge, offering additional cost savings. Additionally, DesMoinesIX offers a remote peering service that allows participants access to other partner exchanges, such as the Kansas City IX, Houston IX, Springfield IX and St. Louis IX.

Directly connect for greater security, less risk

Before taking a road trip, you want to map out a route that gets you to your destination quickly and efficiently. You can do the same for your data by using an IX, especially one accessed physically through a Cologix data center, where an IX is just one cross connect away.

At Cologix, our carrier hotels are connection hubs and help decrease the physical distance of connections in addition to providing direct connections, creating easier, reliable, more secure connectivity that reduces the risk of disruptions or downtime. IXs provide multiple paths for data to travel, which is crucial for service providers and end users that require low latency, resilience and reliability such as media and content providers, gaming providers and financial institutions.

The need for a direct connection is why the Ohio IX was created at our COL2 Columbus data center in 2015. Ohio IX established a regional internet connection that allowed internet traffic to be passed between members directly without having to traverse to exchange points in cities such as Chicago and Washington, D.C. – and then back to Columbus.

Flexibility and Choice to Accelerate Your Growth

Accessing an IX through Cologix gives organizations the opportunity to connect with a wide range of network and cloud service providers while enabling the secure exchange of data. As a carrier–neutral and cloud-neutral colocation provider, Cologix offers our customers  the power of choice in an expansive marketplace where they can create and manage connections as well as select the providers that best suit their specific needs.

Partnering with us gives businesses the connectivity and flexibility to optimize performance, better manage costs and accelerate their business. Our customers have access to 40+ digital edge data centers in 12 strategic North American markets and a dense, robust ecosystem of 700+ networks, 360+ cloud service providers and 30+ direct cloud onramps.

As Cologix continues to grow, adding more data centers and serving more customers, we will also continue to onboard more IXs at the domestic and international levels.

Contact us to learn more about our peering solutions and the IXs we host.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in June 2023 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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