


Coronavirus—COVID-19 Update


Coronavirus Update

Updated Apr. 7th, 2020

The health and safety of our customers, partners and employees is and always will be our highest priority. The dynamic nature of this outbreak requires us to be flexible in how we respond to changing needs while doing everything in our control to ensure your critical infrastructure is operational and safe.

We are closely monitoring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization’s (WHO) statements regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and following guidelines from these agencies and the local health departments.

Appointment-Based Visits Only

Appointments are for “critical functions” only to reduce the possible spread of the illness in our data centers and offices. Critical functions include making repairs, performing critical maintenance, adding capacity and collecting deliveries to add to your environment. For appointments:

  • Schedule appointment through the customer portal
  • Email support@cologix.com with the date, time and reason for appointment
  • Complete and sign the COVID-19 disclosure form with an electronic signature before your appointment

Committed to Clean, Safe Environments

Providing safe and clean environments for our customers, partners and employees is always a top priority for Cologix. We thank you in advance for your help in keeping our data centers safe by visiting only when business critical. Rest assured we are taking additional steps to protect the spread of the virus through the following:

  • Multiple times a day cleaning of biometric and other high touch & high-trafficked areas
  • Additional hand sanitizing stations throughout the Data Centers
  • Non-critical Cologix employees are encouraged to work off-site
  • Hygienic Disaster Recovery space available at select locations

Customer care (contact your sales rep or support@cologix.com for details)

We understand this is a stressful time and information is changing rapidly. We are working to respond to your changing needs.

We are here to help you:

  • Extended smart hands / remote hands for many routine updates and maintenance
  • Monitoring services so you do not have to come to the data center
  • Business continuity measures in place and contingency staff at the ready
  • Non-critical Cologix employees are encouraged to work offsite
  • Hygienic Disaster Recovery space available at select locations

For more information about our services in light of the current pandemic, download our COVID-19 Business Continuity flyer.

We are all in this together. What you can do?

According to the CDC and the WHO:

  • If you’re sick – stay home
  • Practice social distancing to stop the spread of COVID-19
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content when soap and water is not readily available
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissues
  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes with unwashed hands
  • If you have recently traveled to locations that have experienced high rates of disease transmission, please do not visit Cologix facilities until showing no signs of illness for fourteen days after your return from these locations: China, Iran, Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Please note more locations may be added as the CDC advises

How to Stay Informed about COVID-19

For more information about COVID-19, how it spreads and prevention and treatment, visit CDC Coronavirus COVID-19 or local public health agencies.

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